Thursday, October 17, 2013

Journal Post 8

Focus question: How can teachers use email or instant messaging to foster information exchanges with and among students?

Email and instant messaging facilitates communication outside of the classroom in a big way. It is important however, that teachers follow certain guidelines when using these tools. For example using a password-protected student communication system to email and Instant message. This will restrict who can access your communication, and also protect you and your students from viruses, spam, predatory individuals, and political extremist. Teacher can establish email connections to libraries, museums and universities. This is helpful, because a teacher can ask for information on a particular subject and also use it in their lesson planning. Teachers and student can initiate email correspondence with elected officials and other public policy makers. Having this type of email connections, teachers and even students can make their voices heard if they ever have a request or opinion to share. Teacher may also hold online office hours, when they respond to any questions a student may have. This is great for students, because when they are home they don’t have their teacher available to share any questions or concerns, but with email or instant message, they can ask a teacher or fellow classmates for guidance.

                                                     Photo credit to Br3nda

Tech tool:

            Blogger is a great tool for both teachers and students. To use blogger you need to create an account. You can then choose the layout of your choice. A title may be added. Once these steps and complete you can begin your blog. Information can be added, and also re-edited if necessary. Blogger allows you to embed pictures and videos into your blog. Teachers can have their own blog, with information, or guidelines to an assignment. Another way to use blogger as an educator is to have students make their own bog and update information, such as journal posts.

Summary: Chapter 8

            This chapter is about communicating and networking with websites, blogs, wikis, and more. The chapter begins with some ways in which a teacher can use the technology to communicate with students. Some of these include social networks, blogs, wiki pages, emails, and instant messaging. It is a great tool for teacher to post information or guidelines for assignment online, this is a place where students can go when they are not in class to find information. Most students have 24 hour access to this information, and it is impossible for them to lose the information since it is online.  Wikis can be used as collaborative learning tools, where both the teacher and students can add information. Other great aspects of technology for teachers are emails. This chapter pushes that teachers should address safety issues to protect both his or herself, and the student. 

                                                            Photo credit to Peter Harrison

1 comment:

  1. It is always fun to get to this chapter and be aware of all of these tools to some degree because of your experience in the class so far. Good focus on the safety issues, but glad that these types of communication technologies are available! Don't forget to actually hyperlink the websites (i.e., Blogger should be hyperlinked) and not use the URL in your writing (i.e,. don't type in - let me know if you need further instruction on this.
